Short Research Paper Assignment / Teachers: Emilia Ramirez & Ren Thompkins





Research Paper (10%)

You will write a two-page paper in which you will choose a topic related to Dance Education and use secondary sources (books, journals, websites) to illustrate, express and justify your point.

(Double spaced, Times New Roman, 12 font)

(No emphasis on grammar or spelling, but on expression of ideas and feelings about dance education, your experience in class, and the secondary sources you choose to cite).

Organization: (2pts)
Introduction (What are you writing about?) (.5)
Main Idea (The core of your paper (.5)
Body (Three paragraphs / Support your idea) (.5)
Conclusion (Re-state what you wrote about) (.5)
Coherence (2 pts) [Does your paper make sense]
Content (2 pts) [Have you used ideas from class, form secondary sources]
Integration (2 pts) [How well have you integrated experience in class with facts from secondary sources]
Authenticity (2 pts) [How honest is your paper based on your experience in class, your love for teaching dance and your cited secondary sources; (Make sure you use proper citation and references]
Students' Work
 Emilia Ramirez

Ren Thompkins


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