VTS: Visual Thinking Strategies
I Visual Thinking Strategies: Terra Foundation Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS) is a learner-centered instructional method used to examine and find meaning in visual art. Using a painting from the Terra Foundation collection, Samuel F. B. Morse’s iconic Gallery of the Louvre (1831–33), Yenawine facilitates a VTS discussion, followed by an examination of how the discussion was constructed. Classroom and museum educators and docents interested in learner-centered teaching methods will find this video to be a very useful resource. QUESTION 1 Explain in your own words the meaning of VTS. --------------------------- II Use the link bellow to check the Collections section of the Lowe Art Museum. Lowe Art Museum - Collections https://emuseum1.as.miami.edu/collections QUESTION 2 Out of the paintings shown in the Collections section, which painting did you li...