
Showing posts from August, 2023

The American Curriculum (Part 2)

 REVIEW curriculum : the subjects comprising a course of study in a school or college. recommended curriculum : it comes from a national agency, like the Department of Education, or any professional organization that has a stake on education. written curriculum : documents, course of studies or syllabi which are part of the curriculum. taught curriculum : different planned activities which are put into action in the classroom used by learners with the guidance of the teachers. assessed curriculum : tested or evaluated curriculum (cognitive, psychomotor, affective).  learned curriculum : learning outcomes achieved by the students. hidden curriculum : intended curriculum which is not deliberately planned. supported curriculum : materials which support or help in the implementation of the written curriculum. 1893 Stuck in 1893: Our 123 - Year- Old Education System I Unit : Curri...

The American Curriculum (Part 1)

Unit: Curriculum   Theme: The American Curriculum   Introduction     The American curriculum has changed dramatically from its origin to the present. From basic grammar schools that introduced Christian values to natives and newly arrived immigrants, it progressed to a more inclusive and democratic microcosm of what would become a certain way to better the future of all Americans. These changes were a reflection of larger historical adaptations that shaped the view we all have about education. ------------------------------   II   Learning Objectives Understand the different types of curriculum Gain an awareness of how the curriculum has changed from the beginnings of nation-building to the present -----------------------------------   III   Main Lesson 1    Curriculum       Question 1  What type of curriculum best applies to the teaching of dance? Explain.   2   The series of videos you will see bel...

Ancient Curriculum in India

  The cave at Aurangabad (6th century AD) are renowned for a group of reliefs, which depict a dance scene.  The dancer in the middle of a sensual pose seems to be lost in a reverie.  She is surrounded by a bevy of women playing musical instruments.  One of them is playing a bamboo flute, which is still quite common in rural India. =============  REVIEW Early Ed. The earliest forms of education were focused on hunting and gathering wild foods and vegetables. There was no reading or writing and information was transmitted through word of mouth, songs, gestures and rituals. Why was it important for dance ed.?     Sumerians Developed a calendar based on the moon and the sun (lunisolar).    They were the first to develop writing.    Each of the Sumerian city states had its own god. The “Epic of Gilgamesh,” (2100 BC) a mythic poem that first appeared as early as the third millennium B.C. is about a Sumerian king textually doc...

Introductions / Ancient Curriculum

  I   Unit: Curriculum   Theme: Ancient Curriculum     Introduction     Creating a safe environment in the classroom is key in providing students with higher levels of instruction. An important part of making students feel safe to learn and be creative is knowing their names. However, that is just one of the many aspects needed to actually show students that they are safe to be. Today's class provides students with important tips that help dance teachers to create a safe creative environment in their classroom or studio.   ------------------------   II   Learning Objectives Know  each other's names Understand the different types of curricula. Explain the differences between the Toltec curriculum and the Western Modern curriculum Gain an awareness of how the curriculum has changed from ancient times to the present -------------------------------   I   Unit: Curriculum   Theme: Ancient Curriculum     Int...